Natural Shampoo Recipe with Kangen Beauty Water

Are you tired of exposing your locks to harmful chemicals found in commercial shampoos? Imagine a world where you can revitalize your tresses with a completely natural shampoo made right in your kitchen. Welcome to the wonders of Kangen Beauty Water! This post will guide you on how to create your own shampoo that not only cleanses but nourishes your hair. It’s easy to make, environmentally friendly, and most importantly, free from any harsh elements.

Natural Shampoo Recipe

What You'll Need


2 tablespoons of Liquid Castile Soap
1 cup of Kangen Beauty Water
1/4 cup of freshly harvested herbs (your choice!)
1 teaspoon of either almond or apricot kernel oil
A couple of drops of your favorite essential oil ( we recommend rosemary and geranium essential oil)


A clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
A strainer
A mixing bowl
A recycled shampoo bottle for storage

Let's Get Mixing!

Step 1: Infuse the Herbs

Take your fresh herbs and place them in a sterilized glass jar. Drench them with Kangen Beauty Water and securely close the lid. Let this herbal concoction sit and infuse overnight.

Step 2: Strain Your Herbal Infusion

The next day, open the jar and strain the liquid to remove all the herbs. The Beauty Water has now been naturally enriched with the benefits of the herbs.

Step 3: Add Soap and Oils

In a mixing bowl, combine the herb-infused Beauty Water with Liquid Castile Soap. Add a teaspoon of almond or apricot kernel oil to the mix. Stir it all together until well-blended.

Step 4: Aromatic Finish

Add two drops of your preferred essential oil. Give the mixture another thorough stir.

Step 5: Bottle It Up

Carefully pour your homemade shampoo into a recycled shampoo bottle, and voila, you’ve got yourself a natural shampoo that's not just good for you, but also for the planet!

Bonus Tip: Kangen Beauty Water as Conditioner

Don't stop at shampoo! You can also spritz some Kangen Beauty Water directly onto your hair as a conditioner. It's excellent for detangling and imparts a natural shine you'll absolutely love.

Why Kangen Beauty Water Shampoo?

  • Safe and Natural
    This homemade shampoo is devoid of any harmful elements commonly found in commercial alternatives. You won't find cocamidopropyl betaine, sulfates (SLS, SLES, SCS), formaldehyde, salicylates, parabens, or phosphates here!

  • Allergy-Friendly
    For those concerned with allergens, our DIY shampoo is hypoallergenic and gluten-free.

  • Cruelty-Free and Sustainable
    Not a single animal by-product is used, and our shampoo is absolutely cruelty-free and biodegradable.

Why rely on off-the-shelf options filled with harsh chemicals when you can unlock the potential of natural ingredients combined with the magic of Kangen Beauty Water? Your hair deserves the very best, and now you know how to give it just that.

Happy natural shampooing!

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Resources - Trying to find some high quality essential oils? - We recommend this brand - Shop Here


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